Zařazeno v kategoriích: ZAHRANIČNÍ LITERATURA

Exploring Thalamocortical Interactions : Circuitry for Sensation, Action, and Cognition

W. Martin Usrey, S. Murray Sherman

do 2 týdnů
Počet stran
Rok vydání
77 x 254 x 10mm
Every cortical area receives input from the thalamus and projects to the thalamus. The cortex and thalamus, therefore, are inseparable partners for sensation, action, and cognition. Exploring Thalamocortical Interactions provides readers with foundational knowledge needed to understand the cellular and circuit properties of thalamocortical networks, and then goes on to consider new ideas and hypotheses, some of which are quite speculative. Some of the major themes emphasized throughout the book include: * the need for a proper classification of thalamocortical and corticothalamic circuits * the role of spike timing for thalamocortical and corticothalamic communication and the mechanisms for modulating spike timing * the organization and function of corticothalamic feedback projections * the role of higher order thalamic nuclei in cortico-cortical communication and cortical functioning * attentional modulation of thalamocortical interactions * a rethinking of efference copies and distinguishing neural signals as sensory versus motor Exploring Thalamocortical Interactions combines foundational knowledge from decades of research with fresh ideas and hypotheses on how the thalamus and cortex work together for sensation, action, and cognition.
Exploring Thalamocortical Interactions : Circuitry for Sensation, Action, and Cognition

1.450 Kč

Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.

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