European court of human rights in action

Tymofeyeva Alla (es.)

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OBSAH/CONTENTS CHAPTER I. THE COURT WITHIN THE EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS SYSTEM 1. INTRODUCTION 2. HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISATIONS IN EUROPE 2.1 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe 2.2 European Union 2.3 Council of Europe 3. COUNCIL OF EUROPE TREATIES AND BODIES 3.1 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 3.2 European Social Charter 3.3 European Convention for the Prevention of Torture 3.4 Commissioner for Human Rights 3.5 Venice Commission CHAPTER II. EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS 1. ABOUT THE COURT 2. THE COURT’S STRUCTURE 3. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COURT 4. THE COURT’S DECISIONS AND JUDGMENTS 5. PILOT JUDGMENT PROCEDURE 6. INTERIM MEASURES 7. INTER- STATE APPLICATIONS CHAPTER III. ADMISSIBILITY CRITERIA 1. MAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Article 35 of the Convention – Admissibility criteria Rule 47 of the Rules of Court – Contents of an individual application 2. ON ADMISSIBILITY IN GENERAL 3. HIERARCHY OF THE ADMISSIBILITY CRITERIA 3.1 Anonymous applications 3.2 Abuse of the right of an individual application 3.3 Substantially the same applications 3.4. Applications submitted to another international body 3.5. Incompatible applications 3.5.1 ratione personae 3.5.2 ratione loci 3.5.3 ratione temporis 3.5.4 ratione materiae 3.6 Non-exhaustion of all domestic remedies 3.7 Four months (former six-month rule) 3.8 Manifestly ill-founded applications 3.9 No significant disadvantage KEY CASE-LAW CASE STUDY Appeal CHAPTER IV. RIGHTS RELATING TO PERSONAL LIBERTY MAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Article 2 of the Convention Appeal – Right to life General principles of the Court Article 3 of the Convention – Prohibition of torture General principles of the Court Article 4 of the Convention – Prohibition of slavery and forced labour General principles of the Court Article 5 of the Convention – Right to liberty and security General principles of the Court KEY CASE-LAW CASE STUDIES War crimes Glasses Salary Kazakh CHAPTER V. RIGHTS RELATING TO SPIRITUAL FREEDOM MAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Article 8 of the Convention – Right to respect for private and family life General principles of the Court Article 9 of the Convention – Freedom of thought, conscience and religion General principles of the Court Article 10 of the Convention – Freedom of expression General principles of the Court Article 11 of the Convention – Freedom of assembly and association General principles of the Court Article 12 of the Convention – Right to marry General principles of the Court KEY CASE-LAW CASE STUDIES Churches Fiancée CHAPTER VI. RIGHTS RELATING TO PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS MAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Article 6 of the Convention – Right to a fair trial General principles of the Court Article 7 of the Convention – No punishment without law General principles of the Court Article 13 of the Convention – Right to an effective remedy General principles of the Court KEY CASE-LAW CASE STUDIES Komsomol Thief in law CHAPTER VII. RIGHT TO THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND THE FIRST PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION MAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention – Protection of property General principles of the Court Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention – Right to education General principles of the Court Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention – Right to free elections General principles of the Court KEY CASE-LAW CASE STUDIES Bail Polling stations CHAPTER VIII. PROTOCOL NO. 4 TO THE CONVENTION MAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Article 1 of Protocol No. 4 to the Convention – Prohibition of imprisonment for debt General principles of the Court and explanations Article 2 of Protocol No. 4 to the Convention – Freedom of movement General principles of the Court and explanations Article 3 of Protocol No. 4 to the Convention – Prohibition of expulsion of nationals General principles of the Court and explanations Article 4 of Protocol No. 4 to the Convention – Prohibition of collective expulsion of aliens General principles of the Court and explanations KEY CASE-LAW CASE STUDIES Travel ban Aliens Residence permit CHAPTER IX. PROTOCOL NO. 7 TO THE CONVENTION MAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Article 1 of Protocol No. 7 to the Convention – Procedural safeguards relating to expulsion of aliens General principles of the Court and explanations Article 2 of Protocol No. 7 to the Convention – Right of appeal in criminal matters General principles of the Court and explanations Article 3 of Protocol No. 7 to the Convention – Compensation for wrongful conviction General principles of the Court and explanations Article 4 of Protocol No. 7 to the Convention – Right not to be tried or punished twice General principles of the Court and explanations Article 5 of Protocol No. 7 to the Convention – Equality between spouses General principles of the Court and explanations KEY CASE-LAW CASE STUDIES Removal Forced confession Independence Day CHAPTER X. RIGHTS OF LEGAL PERSONS UNDER THE CONVENTION 1. NOTION OF A LEGAL PERSON 2. ARTICLES OF THE CONVENTION APPLICABLE TO LEGAL PERSONS 3. CHANGES IN UNDERSTANDING OF THE NATURE OF LEGAL PERSONS KEY CASE-LAW CASE STUDIES Same-sex civil partnerships The same judge CHAPTER XI. VENICE COMMISSION AND THE COURT 1. VENICE COMMISSION 2. OPINIONS AND STUDIES 3. VENICE COMMISSION AND THE EUROPEAN COURT ON HUMAN RIGHTS 4. EXAMPLES OF OPINIONS AND STUDIES CHAPTER XII. TORTURE PREVENTION COMMITTEE AND ITS LINKS WITH THE COURT 1. ABOUT THE CPT 2. TYPES OF VISITS 3. MEMBERS OF THE CPT 4. CPT POWERS IN RESPECT OF THE STATES 5. VISITS AND REPORTS 6. RELATION BETWEEN THE CPT AND THE COURT CHAPTER XIII. THE CZECH GOVERNMENT BEFORE THE COURT 1. LEGAL STATUS OF THE CONVENTION WITHIN THE CZECH LEGAL ORDER 2. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNMENT AGENT 3. LITIGATING BEFORE THE COURT 4. EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS 5. OTHER ACTIVITIES CHAPTER XIV. DEPARTMENT FOR THE EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS OF THE COURT 1. ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT 2. MAIN ACTIVITIES 3. EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS OF THE COURT BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SOURCES Books and Articles Internet materials ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS (ANNEXES) SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF THE CONVENTION SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF PROTOCOL NO. 1 TO THE CONVENTION SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF PROTOCOL NO. 4 TO THE CONVENTION SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF PROTOCOL NO. 7 TO THE CONVENTION SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF PROTOCOL NO. 12 TO THE CONVENTION SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF PROTOCOL NO. 15 TO THE CONVENTION SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF PROTOCOL NO. 16 TO THE CONVENTION APPLICATION FORM NOTES FOR FILLING IN THE APPLICATION FORM COMMON MISTAKES ADDENDUM FOR MULTIPLE APPLICANTS LETTERS OF THE COURT TO THE UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS OBSERVATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATION OF THE CASE TO THE GOVERNMENT LETTER OF THE GOVERNMENT ENCLOSING THE OBSERVATIONS LETTER OF THE GOVERNMENT ON REFUSAL TO SETTLE THE MATTER
European court of human rights in action

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