Frontiers, minorities, transfers, expulsions, Volume I: Plans

Kuklík Jan, Neměček Jan

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The first part of the edition deals with the relationship of the British Diplomacy to minority and frontier problems in Central Europe between 1939 and 1945 in the context of the so-called Czechoslovak and Polish issues. OBSAH/CONTENTS INTRODUCTION DOCUMENTS 1. 1940, May 29, London.– Memorandum of J.D. Mabbott entitled The Transfer of Minorities, with C.A. Macartney?s Annex entitled The Transfer of Populations as a Solution of Minority Problems. 2. 1942, February 20, London. – Memoranda on Frontiers of European Confederation and the Transfer of German Populations prepared by J.D. Mabbott from the Foreign Research and Press Service. 3. 1942, July 2, London. – Memorandum of British Foreign Minister A. Eden about Anglo-Czechoslovak relations. 4. 1942, July 6, London. – Extract from British War Cabinet Conclusions concerning A. Eden?s Memorandum about Anglo-Czechoslovak Relations. 5. 1943, February 13, London. – Brief prepared by Central Department of the Foreign Office for British Foreign Minister A. Eden?s visit to the United States of America setting out the British Government?s attitude to the question of the transfer of population after the war. 6. 1943, September 27, London. – Memorandum of British Foreign Minister A. Eden on the future of Germany. 7. 1943, October 5, London. – Extract from British War Cabinet Conclusions concerning A. Eden?s Memorandum on the future of Germany. 8. 1944, January 20, London. – Letter sent by O. O?Malley, British Ambassador to the Polish Government, to British Foreign Minister A. Eden with three notes on German, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian and Jewish Minorities in Poland. 9. 1944, January 20, London. – Memorandum of the Foreign Office Research Department on alternative policies toward minorities. 10. 1944, January 27, London. – Memorandum of the Foreign Office Research Department concerning effects on the economies of Poland and Czechoslovakia of transferring the German populations. 11. 1944, January 29, Moscow. – Letter sent by J. Balfour, British Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., to British Foreign Minister A. Eden with Memorandum on the Problem of the Treatment of Minorities in South-Eastern Europe. 12. 1944, March, 24., London. – Memorandum of the Foreign Office Research Department on Minority Transfers in South Eastern Europe. 13. 1944, April 22, London. – H. Beeley?s memorandum to F. K. Roberts on the Protection of Minorities, with particular reference to the Jews in Europe. 14. 1944, May 13, London. – Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on the Transfer of German Populations. 15. 1944, September 5, London. – Memorandum of the Polish Government to J. G. Winant, Chairman of European Advisory Commission, on the problem of the terms of Germany?s surrender. 16. 1944, November 20, London. – Memorandum of the Foreign Office Research Department on Germany?s Eastern Frontier 17. [1944, November 23, London]. – Memorandum of the Czechoslovak Government to European Advisory Commission on the problem of the German minority in Czechoslovakia. 18. 1944, November 30, London. – Memorandum of the Foreign Office Research Department on the Transfer of Minorities.
Frontiers, minorities, transfers, expulsions, Volume I: Plans

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